the 15th Anniversary of Citizens United we need Bernie Sanders type candidates that are moderates. will support construction, maintenance, and operation of local roads across state. State Senator from Green Bay will serve on three committees. gave DREAMers recognition as people, but today their reality every day is anxiety. bills moving through the Senate would create a non-elected council to review professional licenses and propose legislation that would de-license professions in Wisconsin. Many professionals around the state have voiced opposition. Acid Mining Bill would repeal the Prove It First mining law that has protected Wisconsin from the devastating effects of sulfide mining. ignores action as student loan debt crisis continues to skyrocket.
Trump abandons Americans in Puerto Rico, Healthcare for all, and Trump's dust up with the NFL.
STATEWIDE - We welcome Acción Ciudadana organizer Luz Sosa to discuss the disgusting and immoral abandonment by the Trump administration of Americans in Puerto Rico, Vieques and other U.S. territories following last week’s devastating (climate change induced) hurricane. Luz also tells us what members are doing to help.
We review this week’s implosion of TrumpCare 3.0 and talk with Healthcare for All Organizing Cooperative member Christine Rahlf about how members organized against this week's threat and are preparing to fight against future repeal efforts.
We also discuss Trump’s big dust up with NFL players and owners and what it says about the status of the First Amendment in conservative ideology.
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Citizen Action Press Clips it comes to big business verses college for our kids, it's socialism for corporations but bootstraps for everyone else.