Friday September 20, 2024

An Independent Progressive Media Outlet


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teaching-studentsSen. Kathleen Vinehout argues the current budget stalemate is due in part to competing education funding proposals that do not address the needs facing school districts across the state. Legislative leaders know the school funding formula is broken, but they choose to ignore State Superintendent Tony Evers’ plan to change that way Wisconsin funds schools.

Written by Kathleen Vinehout, State Senator 31st District   

mike-penceCall for strengthening ACA instead, as Mike Pence to visit Milwaukee.

MADISON - On a press call ahead of remarks from Vice President Mike Pence in Milwaukee, Mayor Tom Barrett and Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning highlighted the disastrous effects of Trumpcare which stands to kick 23 million Americans off of their heath care insurance.

tom_barrett"I'm surprised that the Vice President wants to come to Wisconsin to tout legislation that is designed to deny health care for 23 million Americans and give tax breaks to the wealthiest people in this nation," said Mayor Tom Barrett. "It's notable that he's not appearing at a place where you're going to find people between 50-60 who are going to be affected by this adverse - because those are the people that are really going to suffer from this action that is moving through Washington right now."

If Trumpcare becomes the law of the land, it is estimated that 311,000 Wisconsin residents will lose their health care coverage. In addition, uncertainty surrounding Gov. Walker’s plans to opt-out of federal health protections could jeopardize access and increase costs for more than 850,000 Wisconsin residents with pre-existing conditions.

Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   

walker-open-businessHandouts to so-called "job creators" under the manufacturing tax credit not working. It’s time to put working taxpayers first, says Sen. Bewley.

Written by Janet Bewley Press, State Senator Dist 25   

walkerEvery dollar spent in a budget is a reflection of choices. Sen. Kathleen Vinehout shares some of the ideas in an alternative budget she created to the one proposed by the Governor and encourages people to let their choices be known.

Written by Kathleen Vinehout, State Senator 31st District   

badgercareThe U.S. has the least efficient health care system among 11 developed nations, and solutions to this problem are not being developed in Washington. Wisconsin used to blaze new trails as a model for the nation to copy. Time to return to our pioneering roots.

Written by Mike McCabe, Blue Jean Nation   

mike-gallagherConstituents show up to talk about health care and other issues with the person elected to represent them. He didn't show up to listen.

GREEN BAY - About a hundred constituents showed up last night at the Brown County Central Library last night to share their concerns with their new Congressman Mike Gallagher. He didn't show up to listen.

Granted, the "Town Hall" listening session had been organized by local liberal and Democratic advocacy groups, but did that make them any less his constituents? Gallagher had been elected last fall to represent the 8th Congressional District and all the people who live in it.

I had the "good fortune" to be on a stage in 2009 with then Congressman Steve Kagen as he fielded questions from Tea Party advocates about the bill that would become ObamaCare. It was not very pleasant. But he hung in there, and answered every question as best he could. He was elected to represent them too.

Many Republican elected officials today seem to prefer hiding out from their constituents, "speaking" only to them on FaceBook, on telephone conference calls, or at pre-arranged campaign stops at friendly venues. They screen all questions, and answer only those they select. They certainly don't dare to meet all the people they represent face to face.

According to news reports, health care coverage and the American Health Care Act (AHCA), a Republican bill to replace the Affordable Care Act, was the topic most wanted to discuss. Gallagher had supported the bill during a House vote earlier this month. A line of area residents presented their personal concerns, told stories about children with pre-existing conditions, told their fears about losing their health care, and fears about rising costs. An empty chair sat on the stage where their "representative" was supposed to listen.

Some critics called it political theatre. But that's the easy political cop out. So was Gallagher's "out of town on business" excuse. If people cannot talk to their representatives, who do they represent?

It appears many in Washington today, and not just Republicans, represent only the industries and businesses who pay their bills. Gallagher is just joining the long line.

That's not what our "representative form of government" was supposed to be about.

Written by Bob Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive   
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