the 15th Anniversary of Citizens United we need Bernie Sanders type candidates that are moderates. will support construction, maintenance, and operation of local roads across state. State Senator from Green Bay will serve on three committees. Leah Vukmir was on the budget committee that quietly pushed through the repeal to Gov. Scott Walker who killed the anti-fraud law; while AG Brad Schimel advised repeal even though it means Wisconsin can recoup less money from corporate fraud. given less than two days to review billion-dollar contract before WEDC vote, public locked out.’s State Senate calendar contains several bills that need time for proper debate, amendments to address significant concerns raised by the public, and bills that were sold as one thing and ended up being very different.
The Wisconsin State Senate will vote Tuesday on a Constitutional Convention, protecting water quality, and more. Get involved and call your own Senator.
MADISON - The Wisconsin State Senate will vote Tuesday on a reckless proposal to convene a Constitutional Convention for the purpose of adding a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Amending the U.S. Constitution is a radical tactic that puts at risk every citizen right that is currently protected in the Constitution.
If you haven’t called your State Senator about this yet, now is the time to do it! Tell her/him that a Constitutional Convention to pass a balanced federal budget is a reckless proposal, and it should be rejected.
The State Senate will also be voting on AB 499, which protects water quality in Wisconsin. Current law prohibits the Department of Natural Resources from issuing a permit for sulfide ore mining until it determines that such an operation can exist without resulting in groundwater or surface water pollution or the release of heavy metals. AB 499 would repeal this prohibition.
Contact your State Senator and urge her/him to vote NO on AB 499 to protect our water quality.
Both of these proposals have already been passed by the State Assembly. The Constitutional Convention proposals do not even need to be signed by the Governor. Act now to protect our citizen rights and our water quality in Wisconsin.
For contact information for your own Senator, click here and enter your address above Find Your Legislators, near the little map of Wisconsin.
You may also wish to join a gathering of people opposed to the Constitutional Convention at 9AM tomorrow at the State Capitol. and lifesaving medical advances threatened by proposed ban on research that could one day lead to cures for cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
Independent candidate for Governor Mike McCabe's campaign says Democratic Party of Wisconsin denies access to voter data system sold to other candidates, making the same mistake DNC made in 2016.
MADISON, WI - The Democratic Party of Wisconsin first ignored and later refused requests from governor candidate Mike McCabe’s campaign for access to the party’s member list and statewide voter list, acting in a manner reminiscent of how the Democratic National Committee worked behind the scenes to favor the party’s eventual 2016 presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and disadvantage fellow candidate Bernie Sanders.
To facilitate contact between voters and the party’s candidates, McCabe believes the state party should provide all candidates running in the primary with the lists at no charge, which the DPW refuses to do. McCabe’s campaign sought to purchase the lists and was turned down. He is the only candidate entered to run in the Democratic primary to be denied access to the lists.
Having worked for decades as an independent government watchdog and reform advocate, McCabe has not belonged to any political party. But he has registered to run for governor as a Democrat.
DPW officials have repeatedly said the party wants a fair and open primary and would not play favorites in the race, McCabe’s campaign manager Christine Welcher said.
“Privately, party leaders clearly are playing favorites. By denying help to one that is given to the others, they are putting their thumb on the scale, which is exactly what they promised not to do. DPW is making the same mistake the DNC made in 2016. They apparently haven’t learned a thing from what just happened last year,” Welcher said, adding that the state party has granted access to its voter list, known as the Voter Activation Network (VAN), to nonprofit advocacy groups not affiliated with the party while denying access to McCabe’s campaign.
“We will find other ways to reach voters. Getting the party lists wouldn’t make our campaign, and being denied the lists won’t break our campaign,” Welcher said.