the 15th Anniversary of Citizens United we need Bernie Sanders type candidates that are moderates. will support construction, maintenance, and operation of local roads across state. State Senator from Green Bay will serve on three committees. from across the state to speak out against the plan to siphon off seven million gallons a day of Great Lakes water. new law creates Risk Corridors* for Health Care insurance providers in Wisconsin, a technical mechanism to help level the risk for insurers. Minnesota enacted a similar law to achieve a premium reduction, and also created their own health care network and accepted Medicaid expansion dollars, ideas that could benefit Wisconsin. announce scores from National Environmental Scorecard for Wisconsin's delegation in Washington. Senator Ron Johnson scores a big 0, while Tammy Baldwin is best at 100%. recently passed Special Session bills make it more difficult for people living in poverty to achieve their dream of family supporting jobs and getting off government assistance. launch campaign to stop betrayal of the core intent of the hard-won, bipartisan Great Lakes Compact by Gov. Walker and his allies. Has Sole Ownership of Wisconsin’s Rising Health Insurance Premiums, a Result of Years of Sabotage and Undercutting the Affordable Care Act.