the 15th Anniversary of Citizens United we need Bernie Sanders type candidates that are moderates. will support construction, maintenance, and operation of local roads across state. State Senator from Green Bay will serve on three committees. of conservationists speak out against plan to divert seven million gallons of water per day from the Great Lakes to the private company Foxconn.
Republicans lose battle to deny Wisconsinites representation, judge Gov. Scott Walker personally appointed says he violated his "plain and positive duty" to hold special elections in Senate District 1 and Assembly District 42. care is ranked as a top issue for 72% of Wisconsin voters according to new Public Policy Polling.
Gun violence has touched all Americans and our students asked us for real solutions. In the end, those in power chose to ignore them and hope they go away. Legislators say plan is real step, necessary reforms to our troubled juvenile justice system.
Frank Lasee left his constituents behind by resigning his seat representing the 1st District in December. Governor Walker and Senate Republicans fail to call a special election.