Trump felt like being strapped into a chair and force-fed a steady diet of lies, delusions, and chest-thumping fascist nonsense while an audience of Republican sycophants cheered like mindless drones.“These are not wild donations. They’re calculated," says Media, Crawford Campaign. approved by Commission include 11 UW System projects, efforts to complete the Milwaukee Crime Lab, and stewardship property development funds.
Democrat withdraws from race to support primary opponent in Milwaukee suburban district currently held by Republican.
McCabe submits maximum number allowed to earn place on ballot for Governor in fall. Has more on hand if needed.
Milwaukee Police hassle Buck's guard Sterling Brown, Foxconn production plans, worker legal rights in the workplace, and Leon Young’s sudden decision not to run.
Child Victims Act is an effective and innovative way to protect children from sexual predators and bring pedophiles to justice. a AG memo muddies the waters on the possession and distribution of CBD oil, local Ag officials, hemp growers and farm groups move to clarify the issue. Wisconsin used to be a leader in hemp production and many farmers are hoping to make us a leader again. Voters Launch Series Detailing Walker’s Abysmal Record on the Environment.