the 15th Anniversary of Citizens United we need Bernie Sanders type candidates that are moderates. will support construction, maintenance, and operation of local roads across state. State Senator from Green Bay will serve on three committees. referendum question on next Tuesday’s ballot asks voters if they wish to amend Wisconsin’s Constitution to eliminate the Office of the State Treasurer. Sen. Vinehout shares some information about the functions of the office which should be helpful to voters. declines to commit to recusing himself from cases involving his major donors during Milwaukee Bar Association debate Monday. Fitzgerald and Speaker Vos call for an extraordinary session to undercut court ruling upholding resident's right to representation through special elections in SD 1 and AD 42. spending $1 million to purchase a Supreme Court seat for candidate Michael Screnock.
Can you pay lower property taxes by simply saying no one lives in your neighbor’s house? Under Wisconsin’s “Dark Store” loophole, large corporate retailers can. in Madison orders Governor to hold special elections to fill seats vacated in December. Sen. Dave Hansen and fellow Democrats had pushed for the elections.