Trump felt like being strapped into a chair and force-fed a steady diet of lies, delusions, and chest-thumping fascist nonsense while an audience of Republican sycophants cheered like mindless drones.“These are not wild donations. They’re calculated," says Media, Crawford Campaign. approved by Commission include 11 UW System projects, efforts to complete the Milwaukee Crime Lab, and stewardship property development funds. Entry in ‘Walker’s Wisconsin’ Series is all about Foxconn. Caleb Frostman joins DPW Chair Martha Laning at kick-off event on the poor condition of Wisconsin's critical infrastructure. governments faced with decreased shared revenue and Wisconsin Medicaid payments are hard pressed to combat addiction with community-based treatment alternatives instead of incarceration. Sen. Kathleen Vinehout describes the challenges and offers solutions.
Governor now finds it convenient to pretend to care about health care costs, but 7 years of sabotage of the ACA reveals that he has been more than willing to play politics with the lives of Wisconsinites. claims premiums are going down but they are rising by $1400, say Dems. People with pre-existing conditions or outside the health exchange still out of luck.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate says it’s time to legalize cannabis for recreational and medicinal use, and grow Wisconsin’s economy.