the 15th Anniversary of Citizens United we need Bernie Sanders type candidates that are moderates. will support construction, maintenance, and operation of local roads across state. State Senator from Green Bay will serve on three committees. of access to firearms contributes to suicide risk, as does lack of access to mental health resources in many communities. We can reduce the suicide rate, but we must recognize it is an epidemic driven in part by systemic, policy decisions.
We need to take the politics out of the map-drawing process by enacting our Fair Maps redistricting plan, says Senator Hansen. Trump administration invited states to create new policies with more strict work requirements and barriers for people to qualify for Medicaid and FoodShare. A new court case challenges the harmful effect of these new policies. Still Hopeful After U.S. Supreme Court Decision on Gill v Whitford, Call on State to End Gerrymandering and Pass Fair Maps Legislation. of road funding delays completion of statewide road projects. reject Gov. Walker and Republican agenda in special elections. Caleb Frostman wins senate seat in northeastern Wisconsin with 23 point swing toward Democratic candidate from 2016. Ann Groves Lloyd also dramatically over-performed last night where Trump won by double digits.