the 15th Anniversary of Citizens United we need Bernie Sanders type candidates that are moderates. will support construction, maintenance, and operation of local roads across state. State Senator from Green Bay will serve on three committees. heard expert testimony at a recent hearing of the Blue Ribbon Commission on School Funding Reform that Wisconsin’s formula is an outlier in the US. and failure to change it leaves children vulnerable, taxpayers paying more in property tax and the state open to lawsuits. action opens the door to the use of industrial acids 150 feet from the Menominee River and represents a danger to the waters of Green Bay. in Senate District 1 has extreme record that shows no regard for the health, safety and dignity of Wisconsin women or vital, life-saving research. Democratic Senator Herb Kohl's Philanthropies (HKP) donates $700,000 Dollars to support ‘Learning Journeys’. Over 680 Wisconsin Club Kids to Visit Washington D.C., nonpartisan Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters releases second entry in ‘Walker’s Wisconsin’ series. roads and bridges continue to deteriorate, former DOT Sec. Gottlieb presented a comprehensive long-term transportation funding solution that was rejected by Governor Walker. Sen. Kathleen Vinehout takes it to build an alternative state budget that provides solutions, not continued borrowing.