Friday September 20, 2024

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dems-react-2016lossDemocrats and Progressives all over Wisconsin are feeling the same overall funk and feelings of depression as they try to grapple with the Trump win.

Written by GBP Staff   

trump-need-apolThe first step toward healing must come from Trump. Then we can join in solidarity to repair it by attempting to be more tolerant of, and kinder to, each other.

HOWARD, WI - The overall psyche of our nation has been damaged by the rhetoric we have heard during this campaign. Now that it is over, we need to join in solidarity to repair it by attempting to be more tolerant of, and kinder to, each other.

I am deeply concerned about the unquestionably real atmosphere of intimidation and fear brought on by the election. I am particularly worried about the impact this has on our children and those most vulnerable to prejudice. The stories of children being bullied and immigrants being demoralized is both heartbreaking and unacceptable.

The first step to rectify the situation should come from President-elect Donald Trump. He needs to lead the way by immediately and unequivocally repudiating the outpouring of racist, sexist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic and homophobic insults, threats and attacks being associated with his name. Then every parent, employer, teacher and citizen must follow with zero tolerance of such behavior.

Written by Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive   

brendan-dassey-interviewDassey will stay in prison pending the outcome of the appeal. The court is expected to take up the appeal in January.

GREEN BAY - A federal appeals court in Chicago Thursday blocked the release of Brendan Dassey, the Manitowoc teen whose confession became a subplot in Netflix's "Making a Murderer."

Now 27, Dassey was set to be freed under the supervision of the US Probation Office, but Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel filed a motion Tuesday seeking a stay of US Magistrate Judge William Duffin's decision to release Dassey pending the appeal of his 2007 murder conviction.

Dassey was convicted of first-degree intentional homicide, second-degree sexual assault and mutilating a corpse. He was sentenced to life in prison in 2007. Court documents stated that Dassey IQ's was "assessed as being in the low average to borderline range." Dassey, now incarcerated in the state's Columbia Correctional Institution, later recanted. A video of the confession suggested that investigators took advantage of Dassey's youth and limited intellect to coax him into confessing to a crime he didn't commit.

"We believe the magistrate judge's decision that Brendan Dassey's confession was coerced by investigators, and that no reasonable court could have concluded otherwise, is wrong on the facts and wrong on the law," Schimel said in a statement.

Dassey's attorneys disagreed, saying "The court's decision rests on a fundamental principle that is too often forgotten by courts and law enforcement officers: Interrogation tactics which may not be coercive when used on adults are coercive when used on juveniles, particularly young people like Brendan with disabilities".

Dassey will stay in prison pending the outcome of the appeal. The court is expected to take up the appeal in January.

Written by GBP Staff   

screw-systemMedia pundits are over analyzing election results. Republicans showed there is nothing they will not do to get power. Democrats insisted on nominating exactly the wrong person and have written off large swaths of rural Wisconsin. We live in dangerous times.

ALTOONA, WI - What’s perhaps most shocking about the turn our country has taken is that so many were shocked. Media pundits and the professional operatives and party insiders they count on as sources have a habit of over analyzing elections and over complicating politics. What just happened is not that complicated.

Anti-establishment feelings are running sky high, making 2016 a change year and November 8 a change day. Donald Trump was seen as the change candidate. Hillary Clinton was seen as the stay the course, more of the same candidate. Clinton emphasized her experience and qualifications and readiness for the job. Trump talked of draining the swamp. If voters had been in a stay the course state of mind, Clinton is elected. A huge number were in no such mood. Tens of millions felt the urge to extend a middle finger to the powers that be. Trump was the biggest middle finger they could find.

Written by Mike McCabe, Blue Jean Nation   

mike-gallagher-butina"Gallagher should have immediately sounded the alarm when an agent from a hostile foreign power sought to meet with and influence his boss," say Wisconsin Dems.

Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   

maria-butina-walker-arIs Walker the political candidate referenced in an FBI agent's affidavit related to the indictment of Russian operative Maria Butina? Spokesperson also refused to deny whether Walker staff has been contacted.

Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, TJ Helmstetter   
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