the 15th Anniversary of Citizens United we need Bernie Sanders type candidates that are moderates. will support construction, maintenance, and operation of local roads across state. State Senator from Green Bay will serve on three committees. business tax credits mean fewer budget dollars for shared services such as police and fire protection, public education, and transportation infrastructure says Sen. Kathleen Vinehout. It's not fair for small businesses and the rest of us to shoulder the cost on our own. would protect Wisconsin families from being denied access to or charged more for health insurance, prohibit lifetime and annual limits, and keep out-of-pocket costs down. on the budget-writing Joint Finance Committee reject Democratic proposal to prevent $26 million funding raid. plan will provide drinking water to residents with contaminated wells. REINS Act (SB 15) allows the Senate Majority Leader, Assembly Speaker, or Chairs of the administrative rules committee to stop development of administrative rules if the cost to implement the rule is over $10 million, regardless of the benefit to the public. should join 21 other states in response to increasing complaints from student loan holders on delays in getting their payments processed, poor communication, the charging of unexpected fees and what has been described as “systemic mistreatment” of borrowers by servicing corporations.