the 15th Anniversary of Citizens United we need Bernie Sanders type candidates that are moderates. will support construction, maintenance, and operation of local roads across state. State Senator from Green Bay will serve on three committees. Wisconsin Now investigation claims Governor abused $2,017 in taxpayer money to fly state plane to Rhinelander for commercial. cuts and tuition freezes have hampered the UW System’s ability to retain professors, continue research and deliver high quality affordable education. UW President Ray Cross has a plan to increase funding in the next budget. appears to be modifying it's end of the $4.5 billion deal with a smaller plant featuring older technology and far fewer manufacturing jobs. Here are 5 questions Scott Walker must answer on the now crumbling deal.
Nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to electing conservation leaders goes for Democratic candidate for Governor.
Talk about the latest MU Law poll and the onslaught of new political TV ads, Democrats in rural and small town areas, and the marijuana referendums in Wisconsin.
STATEWIDE - Our panel dissects the new MU Law poll and the onslaught of new political TV ads (spoiler alert: the Governor's race is a toss up). We then welcome Citizen Action Co-op member and State Assembly 60th District candidate Chris Rahlf who is running a strong campaign in a long time Republican district. We discuss the opportunities for Democrats in rural and small town areas and encourage volunteers to join Chris and knock doors untouched for years. Southeastern Wisconsin NORML ED Eric Marsch joins us to update listeners on the marijuana referendums in Wisconsin and marijuana legalization polling at 61%! districts have not recovered from the historic cuts to state aid for schools included in Governor Walker’s budgets, forcing school superintendents and boards to make very difficult funding decisions as they deal with the needs of students.