Trump felt like being strapped into a chair and force-fed a steady diet of lies, delusions, and chest-thumping fascist nonsense while an audience of Republican sycophants cheered like mindless drones.“These are not wild donations. They’re calculated," says Media, Crawford Campaign. approved by Commission include 11 UW System projects, efforts to complete the Milwaukee Crime Lab, and stewardship property development funds.
Wisconsin residents made it clear they are tired of divide and conquer politics, but Republican leaders chose to ignore them. League of Women Voters disappointed that Governor Walker signed these mean-spirited and divisive bills. It is time to put aside partisanship and start governing. of AB-693 as originally touted before election was a bad deal for taxpayers and would have opened the floodgate for more Foxconn deals.
New Assembly representatives on money committee understand the values and priorities important to people across Wisconsin says Democratic Leader Gordon Hintz. Vinehout writes about fellow Senator Fred Risser, the longest serving State Legislator in the nation. He has served over 60 years in the Legislature seeking bipartisanship and ensuring the public is involved and shows no signs of slowing down.
League of Women Voters Wisconsin encourages local Leagues and individual members to take the opportunity to speak about their priorities in Green Bay, Wausau, La Crosse, and Milwaukee.