Evers Invites Students and Families to Create Ornaments Celebrating “125 Years of Wisconsin’s State Parks” to help train and recruit teachers where shortages are most prevalent in Wisconsin. Smith highlights the vibrant cultural benefits of Wisconsin’s 11 federally recognized tribes and encourages everyone to find ways to celebrate November as Native American Heritage Month. Smith previews the new Agricultural Road Improvement Program that seeks to bolster roads critical to agriculture and move food to families throughout Wisconsin. Voucher Program to provide $750,000 for safe housing and shelter. would create only five state-run medical cannabis dispensaries and restrict qualifications to receive a medical card. would make DNR issue state park passes on a 12-month basis rather than just current calendar year. Smith explores new opportunities for Republicans and Democrats to work together for solving Wisconsin’s challenges. President Biden took office, he inherited an economy from Donald Trump that had been rigged for the ultra-rich and left in shambles. But he had a theory and a plan to grow the economy from the middle out and bottom up — and that plan is working.