weeks into President Trump's second term, the administration's policies have ignited a series of crises, threatening the very fabric of American society and the resilience of the nation's institutions. money funded to address teacher shortages and enhance teacher quality, helping to improve student outcomes. project made possible through one of the largest investments in affordable housing in state history enacted by Gov. Evers says he'll fight every effort by President Trump and his administration to mess with our schools, our kids, and their futures. and Musk’s circus of hype, chaos, and self-promotion is finally begin teetering, leaving everyone wondering how much wreckage they'll leave behind when the tent inevitably collapses. shows 9 in 10 adult addicts started using risky addictive substances before age 18. Plan needs a proactive approach to prevention that is up to the scale of the problem.
Bill would restore fairness and competition to legislative elections.
MADISON - State Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) announced today that he is seeking sponsors for legislation to create a non-partisan redistricting process. Seeking sponsors marks the next step toward introduction of the bill.
Hansen has been a long-time advocate of redistricting reform that would take the responsibility out of the hands of legislators and political parties and place it with the non-partisan Legislative Reference Bureau.
“Allowing politicians to draw district boundaries makes it too easy for the majority party to gerrymander the maps to their long-term advantage,” said Hansen. “And when parties engage in that behavior it is the voters and the people who are hurt because they are no longer able to check extreme behavior by the majority party.”
In 2011 Republican leaders and staff worked in secret outside the Capitol to draw district lines designed to lock in their legislative majorities for ten years or more. As a result, in the 2012 election Republicans took over 61% of the seats in the State Assembly despite winning less than 49% of the vote.
“Gerrymandering as we are seeing it practiced is a form of cheating,” said Hansen. “Neither political party should be able to lock in their power by creating an unfair advantage in drawing district lines.”
A federal court ruled the Republican maps are unconstitutional and confirmed that they were drawn by the Republicans in 2011 to help them lock in their control of the State Senate and Assembly. of Women Voters of Wisconsin reports that the new laws caused confusion for voters and election officials alike in some polling sites, and were misapplied by election officials and prevented eligible citizens from voting in others. Senator Kathleen Vinehout writes about what it is like to be a newly elected legislator. Newly elected individuals sworn in as members of the Wisconsin State Senate and State Assembly face a daunting task preparing to make all the critical decisions that are required. and again the Governor has put his own political ambition over the needs of Wisconsinites, while Gottlieb has worked in trying to solve Wisconsin’s billion dollar transportation budget deficit. week Senator Kathleen Vinehout writes about the many constituents who have offered solutions to Wisconsin’s troubles in 2016, while also encouraging folks to send new ideas for 2017.