Saturday January 18, 2025

An Independent Progressive Media Outlet


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money-nothingWisconsin Loses 4000 More Manufacturing Jobs as Republican tax giveaway approaches $300 million a year.

Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   

matt-adamczykA constitutional amendment is making its way through the Legislature to eliminate the State Treasurer and residents need to understand why the action is being taken and why it is the wrong conclusion.

Written by Kathleen Vinehout, State Senator 31st District   

roads-i-39-90-94Crumbling roads, infrastructure essential for our economy. Portage area representative Considine and Building Commission member Wachs call action short-sighted budgeting. Want better budgeting, being more creative and responsible with our money.

Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   

aca-workingMany people around here want and need important parts of the Affordable Care Act, but Republicans still have no plan of their own to replace it.

JANESVILLE - Vice President Mike Pence was here today with other top Republicans to unite his party around a replacement of Obamacare.

It is very telling that Vice President Pence, Speaker Ryan, and Secretary Price spent more time in invite-only meetings than speaking to regular Wisconsinites who are afraid that their health care will be taken away from them.

martha-laningIf they had spoken to a family no longer under a mountain of debt from medical bills, a part-time teacher who can finally afford preventative care, or a recent college graduate who no longer goes to sleep at night praying they don't get sick, they'd know that the Affordable Care Act is helping millions of our friends, families, and neighbors.

mike-penceThe fact is that the ACA is more popular than ever after helping 150 million Americans with pre-existing conditions gain crucial health care coverage, increasing mental health and substance abuse health coverage substantially, and insuring millions of young adults who can now stay on their parent's health insurance until age 26.

Republicans still have no plan of their own to insure the millions of Americans who got access to lifesaving health care under the ACA. And the few ideas they have put on the table would lead to worse care that is harder to get and more expensive.

Instead of trying to rip coverage away from Americans, we should be working to strengthen the Affordable Care Act and finding ways to expand access to affordable health care.


Martha Laning is the Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair.

Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Martha Laning   

vote-equalWisconsin's legislative districts have been ruled unconstitutional by a panel of federal judges, and last week Attorney General Brad Schimel appealed the ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court. The League of Woman Voters says fight back.

MADISON - The framers of Wisconsin's legislative districts, which have been ruled unconstitutional by a panel of federal judges, voted in secret last month to spend taxpayer dollars to have high-priced lawyers write an amicus brief in defense of the gerrymandered districts.

Attorney General Brad Schimel last week appealed the ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court. All of this will cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of tax dollars, and that’s on top of more than $2.1 million already spent to draw the maps in secret and defend them through two lawsuits to-date!

If you find this shocking, contact your own legislators and the legislative leadership:

  • Let them know how you feel about this abuse of power and tax dollars.
  • Tell them Wisconsin can save millions of dollars and create more competitive voting districts in the future by adopting nonpartisan redistricting.
  • Urge them to support two bills – AB 44 and SB 13 – which would have the nonpartisan Legislative Reference Bureau draw the maps.
  • Tell Senator Fitzgerald and Rep. Vos that these bills deserve a hearing. They did not allow hearings for these proposals last session. What are they afraid of?

--To find your own legislators, click here and enter your address under Find My Legislators, next to the little green map of Wisconsin.
--Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester)
(608) 266-9171,  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
--Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau)
(608) 266-5660,  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Mark your calendar for the League’s state annual meeting, June 9-10 in Green Bay. Click here for information and registration.

Written by League Women Voters WI, Andrea Kaminski   

vietnamwarPoliticians like Trump shovel praise upon our military, but feel that they, themselves, were too good to serve. It is time they learn the lessons of history. Wars do not beget peace.

TUCSON, AZ - Americans how long will it take for us to understand we have been “had?”

It is family, school, faith and community members who help each generation learn it is better to talk to people than fight, kill and destroy. These are the great Americans.

donald-trumpI am repulsed by so many politicians like Mr. Trump who shovel praise upon our military but who, themselves, feel they are too good to serve our Nation.

Nearly all the wars since WWII have been illegal wars of aggression under our Constitution, United Nations Charter and treaties. Yet the military, CIA, presidents like Bush, Obama and Trump and individual Congressional members keep howling for blood.

Did the Romans stamp out Christianity by all their killing? Did the US win in Vietnam by killing a million Vietnamese? Are we winning the hearts and minds of Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians, or North Africans by killing their families, lovers, babies and friends by the hundreds of thousands?

I say no! You cannot kill ideas with a bullet. Thinking human beings know that.

When Democratic and Republican presidential candidates call out “We will hunt down and kill all Al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc. members and their families” we know our Nation is being run by idiots.

Or, is it being run by lying actors who push wars for the benefit of the military/industrial/politician complex that makes big bucks off of continuous war?

On Nov. 6, 2018 we will elect a new Congress (all the House members and 33 senators will be up for election.) Is it time to throw the bums out, keep the few good ones and start turning America into a Nation of peace builders and turn our backs on war mongering?

Take your choice on Nov. 6th. And if you choose continuous war, get ready to donate your sons and daughters to war’s meat grinding machine – the draft will return because the American volunteer military is broken.

Trump and fools in Congress can throw another $54 billion on top of the $600 billion the Pentagon already gets for more tools of war. But the military system is broken and cannot be fixed with more dollars.

Written by Buzz Davis, Army Veteran & Activist   
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