the 15th Anniversary of Citizens United we need Bernie Sanders type candidates that are moderates. will support construction, maintenance, and operation of local roads across state. State Senator from Green Bay will serve on three committees.
Candidate for Governor Mike McCabe wants full disclosure of donations, update of conflict of interest laws, to take redistricting out of the hands of elected officials, restore independent oversight, bring back civil service protections for government hiring, and end discriminatory voter suppression.
ALTOONA, WI - On Thursday, Wisconsin governor candidate Mike McCabe put forward a comprehensive plan for freeing state government from the clutches of cronyism, corruption and what amounts to legal bribery of state officials.
“Wisconsin was once known from coast to coast as a beacon of clean, open and honest government. Our state no longer deserves that reputation. I want a Wisconsin that is worthy of it again,” McCabe said.
Once elected, McCabe will seek approval of a package of reforms to:
* Create full disclosure of political donations and election spending, and set tighter limits on campaign contributions that are a quarter of what current state law allows.
* Update Wisconsin’s conflict of interest law to prevent state public officials from taking actions benefiting donors who have contributed more than $1,000 to their campaign committees or spent more than $5,000 on election advertising favoring the officials.
* Take redistricting out of the hands of elected officials who stand to benefit from the legislative district boundaries they draw and assign the task to an independent, nonpartisan legislative service agency in a process modeled after Iowa’s system. in Northeastern and Central Wisconsin Districts should be represented after Republicans leave for better pay in Walker Administration. an Avalanche of Outside Money, Patty Schachtner Prevails in Western Wisconsin. Schachtner overcomes the odds in Senate District 10 race to win seat previously held by Republican Sen. Sheila Harsdorf for 16 years. Democrats show gains in Assembly District 58 and win unopposed in 66. week, 49 committees took action on 150 bills. This hasty process allows for out-of-state “Shadow Legislature” groups to push for action on bills while Wisconsin citizens struggle to keep up with the process and make their voice heard. and GOP have kicked Lincoln Hills crisis down the road for years. Democrats introduce correction reform proposals to improve safety now.