the 15th Anniversary of Citizens United we need Bernie Sanders type candidates that are moderates. will support construction, maintenance, and operation of local roads across state. State Senator from Green Bay will serve on three committees.
Green Bay Senator joins Madison Representative for press conference Jan. 22 at 10:00 a.m. in State Capitol to propose a statewide advisory referendum. Jeff Smith reports about Marsy’s Law, the background of this movement to change state constitutions around the country to increase victim's rights, and the complicated nature of balancing the rights of victims and the accused. Governor wants more emphasis on innovation and small business creation, rather than handouts to large corporations. group starts letter campaign to new Governor to legalize cannabis statewide and urge inclusion of cannabis legalization into budget proposal. focus on non-partisan redistricting, campaign finance reform, and restoring democracy. Promise “A Fresh Start For Wisconsin”. Seeks to Invalidate Actions Taken During Republican controlled Legislature's Lame-Duck Proceeding.