Evers Invites Students and Families to Create Ornaments Celebrating “125 Years of Wisconsin’s State Parks” to help train and recruit teachers where shortages are most prevalent in Wisconsin. Smith highlights the vibrant cultural benefits of Wisconsin’s 11 federally recognized tribes and encourages everyone to find ways to celebrate November as Native American Heritage Month. time is now to ensure we are putting our families, businesses, and our state in the best position to bounce back and better than before, says Governor.
Mass vaccination clinic opens April 8 at the UW-Eau Claire Zorn Arena to serve thousands in the Chippewa Valley area. Liga de Mujeres Votantes de Wisconsin publica una guía electoral en línea antes de las elecciones de primavera.
Resolution passes to commit Brown County to achieving 100 percent clean energy and creates a subcommittee that will be made of local experts, residents, and supervisors to develop a plan to reach that goal. after Gov. Evers urged bipartisan support, Republicans obstruct state infrastructure investments. have to stand up to anti-Asian racism, violence, and discrimination in our communities, says Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes.