Evers Invites Students and Families to Create Ornaments Celebrating “125 Years of Wisconsin’s State Parks” to help train and recruit teachers where shortages are most prevalent in Wisconsin. Smith highlights the vibrant cultural benefits of Wisconsin’s 11 federally recognized tribes and encourages everyone to find ways to celebrate November as Native American Heritage Month.' proposal calls for reinvesting BadgerCare expansion cost savings into economic development projects across the state. for largest single round of broadband investment in Wisconsin history available on June 1, 2021 must put Healthcare over Wealthcare say Wisconsin advocacy groups. celebrate nonpartisan and transparent redistricting legislation to end gerrymandering. Jeff Smith and Rep. Deb Andraca write about the Fair Maps Bill they are introducing on May 17th to create a nonpartisan redistricting reform process in Wisconsin.
Governor orders flags to half-staff to honor thousands of Hmong-Lao people who fought alongside the United States and ultimately faced harsh retribution from the Vietnamese and Lao governments.